"Walkin' To The Beach" ~ 2010 ~ Spring Bay Studio
Here's one of the canvases that just got finished - I think the 2nd. of the month ~ I had some of these little flip-flops on some sheets of paper, and the inspiration to use 'em is kinda funny..
I was standing near the door to the laundry room, an' happened to glance down at the floor by the folding counter, an' saw my old pair of flip-flops laying next to some junk that noah hauled in the room. (Why the junk was there is totally beyond me, but follow me here...) ~ I'd thot the pair of flip-flops had gotten thrown away ~ That's how long it's been since I've seen 'em. So I was kinda suprised.
But at the same time that I'd thot, "Well, how funny iz That!", I ALSO got the old song stuck in my head by Jimmy Buffet - "..Blew out my flip-flop..stepped on a pop-top..." An' right about then I knew that whatever the next piece was that was going to come together over on the work table, well, it had to have some flip-flops on it. These were together in a sheet with some other goodies, but after I cut these out, I decided to use the other things on a canvas ~ Just not this particular one.
And as COLD as it's been here, I'd just about give my eye-teeth for bein' someplace WARM enuf to be wearing a pair of flip-flops jus' about now. Noah said he glanced at the thermometer for outside an' it read something balmy like 25 degrees...an' it wasn't that long ago...it's 11:33 now, but the temps aren't goin' any higher by the looks of it. I think all the little streams and creeks around here have a good batch of ice on 'em..no telling how bad some of the docks over on the main river are fairing..one lady said she was afraid to go walk out to her dock, 'cause she was afraid she'd slip an' fall on the ice..'course, I kept from sayin', "Well, you know they DO sell ice-melt stuff at the hardware store...", but she's one of those little old ladies who refuses to spend a DIME unless it's absolutelypositivelymusthavetospendanymoney kind of people.
So her dock will sit all alone and forlorn 'till the weather starts to warm up again..
Me, I've finally gotten tired of having my fingers cold here in the studio, and I broke down an' brought in a space heater that's been literally sitting in the master bedroom gathering dust. I use it, but just not that often, and not even have I used it this winter for more than 5 times. Dumb, I know, but it dawned on me, that since I'm in the studio more than the master bedroom, well, wouldn't it be SMARTER to have the heater in HERE than in that room?! ~ Duhhhh.....
So, now it's feeling a LOT better while I paint an' mess with my papers in the studio. I've also got another pak of papers on it's way from BlueMoonScrapbooking ~ Yet another collection from 7Gypsies. I've just about fallen totally all over myself with their papers. I also found out that they will have some new things coming out this month - I don't remember if it's going to coincide with the CHA show or not...but there is something new in the works. Yay. Now my brain is hatching all kinds of plans for the papers...just hope they get here before the weekend.
ALSO ~ !! ~ I got to talk with a little shop owner down Ocean Highway, in the little town of Edenton - she owns a coffee shop that also has a gallery inside. ~~ Yippiee~~ And she wants me to bring in some of my pieces for her to look at ~ I told her my price point, and she said it's good..so one day next week I've got to get over there an' drop off 5 - o - 6 pieces. I'm optimistic for some SALES..the shop where I have the bulk of work just is as dead as a doornail (How were they ever alive??) ~ And the owner up in the City is hopeful things will start to turn around...I gotta do something in the meantime, so another gallery/shop is always a good idea.
Must be off ~ I've blathered on an' on enuf - 'sides, I got some paint drying over on the work table, so I best see that it's all turning out the way I want it to...
I'm Gone...
Lady of The Tulips
Hello Ms....Lsdy of the Tulips :0)
I love the story of how the flip flops showed up and then into your art work..just gives more affirmation to *things show up when they should*.
Glad you found another shop to put your work...(that actually has customers that will spend some money!!)
I've laughed over your description of your neighbor..boy, have I met a lot of them! I be buying me a bag of that stuff to melt the ice so I could enjoy that dock!
Thanks so much coming over for a visit. I'm always glad to see your comments..
Have a wonderful day,
Isn't it funny ~ Somebody has a dock on the water, with wonderful views for Evah..an' then they don' use it! Ack!! ~
An' too - isn't it funny how those wonderful little things all come together to make ART just right?~ ! ~ Love it!
Stop by again - I'm glad you see how crazy it is here along the Shore..
I like it! I like it! I enlarged it to have a really good look. The tied on texture is great.
Why thank you Darla! ~ I love adding little goodies when the Muse sez to ~ so much fun! Glad you like this.
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