Friday, January 01, 2010

>> Well, here we are in a Brand New Year!! <<

And it is a wonder sometime just how I got this far..but thank the Lord that I AM here, and it's the start of a new time for everybody...So with that, here's a BIG Happy New Year to All of you in Blog-Land!! ~~ May each and every one of you have all your dreams come true in the New Year!! ~~ And for all of you who are inclined toward doing ART ~~ WELL ~~ Here's hoping that all of the ART supplies that you wanted in '09 will magically appear in your home this year!! Yay!!

I have some new canvases that I'll post here either tomorrow or monday - I may have to go up to The City to get some things taken care of on Sunday after church, but there are some phone calls that have to get placed before I know for sure. That's another whole story, but for now I just want to say YAY for the New Year!! ~~ Didn't even hear anybody shooting off fireworks last night..we had sprinkles, then steady rain for the night and most of that definetly puts a damper on the Celebration with Fireworks. Sad for all those who spent an arm and a leg for those big ol' boxes of fireworks, an' then can't do anything with them...Ah well...

Must go and check out some things over on the other side of the studio..and wait patiently till it's time for a nice slice of Pecan Pie ~~ YUM!! ~~ Can't wait for THAT!! Did I say YUM yet??!!

Happy Happy New Year to You!!

Lady of The Tulips


Sharon P Pope said...

Happy New Year, Tulip! I'm still laughing at the post before this one. I really enjoy reading your posts. When I finish reading one, I feel like I've been sitting across a table from you enjoying a cup of coffee while I listen to you tell about your day. You have a wonderful way of sharing your life in your writing. I'm liking the artwork you're sharing too. Hope the new year brings you and your family nothing but good things. I'm glad you're my cyber-friend. :)

LadyTulip said...

Thank You Sharon!! ~~ My life here along the Albemarle Sound does kinda go in a zig-zag pattern..I never know what to expect!! Glad you enjoy my ramblings!

Happy Happy New Year to You & Yours!!


turquoise cro said...

Happy New Year Kiddo!!! Gina just got back around 7pm today, Jan.2!!!She started out around 9:30 AM and it wasn't a pretty picture traveling in WV, too much snow!!

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Happy New Year to you...I wish your New Year to be Bright and Merry in every way!

Thanks so much for visiting with me..I'm always happy to read your sweet comments.

Have a lovely day,

Janet said...

I'm a bit late but Happy New Year anyway. Did you say pecan pie??!! That is my all-time favorite pie. I hope you enjoyed every single bite of it!

Anonymous said...

It will be great to watch A Steady Rain, i have bought tickets from looking forward to it.