Thursday, March 26, 2009

~~ OOOhhh Keeeyyy ~~~

So, there I was the other morning, minding my own business, when I realize I can hear a bird stuck in our stovepipe for the woodstove. I walked into the laundry room, grabbed up the broom, and banged a couple times on the stovepipe. I'd heard/read/absorbed somewhere, that when you bang on the stovepipe to scare away a bird, it "Always Works" -- HA!! fat chance, and all that...

SO -- I keep hearing the noise off and on through out the day,and then I just sorta ignored it. Didn't hear anything for some time, 'till I went into the kitchen to rinse my paintbrush out, and get a glass of ice-water. I didn't hear the scratch-scratching in the stove pipe, tho...but I COUD hear a little birdie...seeming REALLY close by -- like in a vent..or SOMETHING..singing it's little song..."Taawwhheettt...Tahhhwweeeett"

I stood still...listened again..

And figured it was the bird that had earlier been stuck in the stovepipe...said,' went on with my business...

And heard the singing again..but a little louder..

I was next to the kitchen window, standing next to the air conditioner, and figured the bird was sitting on top of the air conditioner..

Wrong --- What happened waz...I opened the door to the woodstove, threw in some trash that had come in the mail ("You Can Have Our Credit Card!! With a Low, LOW Interest Rate!" -- yup..that kind of mail deserves to end up in the woodstove...) and when the papers hit the bottom of the woodstove..I see something HOP off to the right of the pile of papers...

WHAT THE %"*&{$#") !!!

So, I closed the door REALLY fast..caught my' opened the door RRREEAAALLLLYYYY slowly.

And saw a teeny little bird, wayyy in the back of the stove..staring at me.

The bird had somehow gotten all the way down the stovepipe, and ended up smack dab in the middle of the woodstove.

Thank Heavens it was too warm to use the stove. .that poor little babiee..

So-- I looked at him, while he( or she..) stared at me..I realized I needed to get him out OUT of there, so I grabbed up a kitchen towel, and VERY carefully, reached in the stove, and gently put the towel around the bird. This was after I MADE SURE to throw Sara out the back door, so she wouldn't be in the way. But, there was a glitch in the whole works.

While I was gently carrying the little teeny bird, and trying to keep him calm, I got alll the way to the back door, holding this tiny BLUEBIRD (of all things!) in my hands, and in the instant that I went to open the back storm door, I yelled at The Dog to get out of the way, and took my right hand off of the bird.

Do you have any idea of how fast a bird can fly around inside of 3 rooms of a house? I figured it was flying into the dining room, and kitchen in all of about .0034 seconds...

All I could do was run after it, saying over and over.."OOHH NNNOOOO!!!Oh! Little Baby!! NNOOO!!!" And SMACK..SMACK..the little thing would fly straight to a window, and slam itself into the screen.

Over and Over...

I finally got the kitchen towel in my right hand again, and started to kind of direct the little bluebird toward the laundry somehow realized that the towel was keeping it from going back into the other flew straight toward the window in the laundry room...bounced off of that..and stopped on a dresser to the right of the window. And honestlt stood still, and while it stood and looked at me, I could see it's little sides, going in and out REALLY FAST -- the poor thing was totally out of breath!! AAKK!!

So, it went back to the window again, and STOPPED...I took the opportunity to put the towel around the little dear again, and gently talked to the thing...and opened the storm door VERY GENTLY, so I wouldn't scare the poor dear again.

Finally I got the bird, and ME out on the deck, an' as carefully as I could, I walked down the steps, and opened up my hands and the towel...and released the bird..


The little thing took off like a SHOT -- and as it sang it's little song, it went straight up into one of our biig trees... And I never saw it again.

It'z a wonder I don't drink six pack of beer lasts me anywhere from a week & a half to 2 weeks...bnt after a day like, I didn't go hog wild with a 6-pack of beer.


Lady of The Tulips

1 comment:

turquoise cro said...

LOL Phew! I am sooOOOOOooO GLAD YOU were able to catch it again! That was some WILD shenanagans!!! Did YOU think of me(my email!LOL) I would have loved to have seen that lil bluebird!!! Hopefully he won't be back to the stove pipe!!! LOL I wish we could have had a beer together and some laughter about all that!