Tuesday, August 26, 2008

~~ This morning while walking The Dog, I think I've uncovered the worlds largest amount of mosiquitos (yup -- made that word look uglliee..) in our yard. The Dog went along like there was no problem, and once I got in the cabin, I started scratching and clawing my legs and arms like there was no tomorrow...BITES,BITES & MORE BITES!! There simply can not be any of those NAHSTTYYY insects anywhere else in this part of the Eastern Seaboard, because I firmly believe each and every one of them just found me and made mincemeat outta my person ~~

There are no pictures for you 2 see today -- I'm once again having trouble with this computer -- some dayz it behaves itself like just all heck and get-out. And then there are other dayz where it acts like it is today. Takes 20 minutes to get going in the morning...12 to download any pictures my son Gabriel sends to me...then takes another 8 to read any emails that I happen to have in my In-Box. For most people this is time to get another computer. But since I've got NO IDEA of what kind of computer to purchase..well, you can imagine if I walked into one of those BIG BOX SUPER STORES ~~ Said "I need a computer" ~~ and walked out with some contraption that does everything but wash the dishes and clean the bathroom sink. Well, actually I'd go for the contraption that DOES WASH THE DISHES AND CLEAN THE BATHROOM SINK... But there aren't too many of those on the market these dayz..stuiped designers of all things computer...

The Other News is that while digging around in Toms closet to see if several bags of clothes may have some of my fabric in them (In THE HEAT OF THE BATTLE >> CALLED MOVING >> I PILED EVER-THANG IN WHATEVER ICOULDFIND!!) ~~ I discovered some shelf pieces that were just sitting on thetop of the closet -- 4 pieces to be exact -- the open white wire kind -- and one very large piece -- all sitting like theywere waiting for the next plane to fly them Somewhere Else. Naturally, since I need shelves in this new studio, I GRABBED THOSE SUCKERS BUDDY!! ~~ before Tom did something brilliant like throw them away. Now I have to measure each of them to find just the right placement for them on the north-wall of the room, then set all my baskets and plastic containers of beads and goodies up on them, instead of having boxes and STUFF layin' all over on the floor. It looks messy, gives me a backache when I have to bend over to get any papers outta the boxes, and gets my nerves in a PINCH when I have to sit down on the carpet to dig thru the boxes, baskets and STUFF to find what I need. Last time I bent over to pick up some papers, I darn near didn't get back up again...sorta stood in this half-bent-over position..sorta shuffled and hurrummphed myself over to my chair, and plopped myself down with a VERY unladylike FLUMP... Noah was sitting over here at the computer, looked over at me, and mumbled something about trying to keep it quiet over THERE 'cause he was doing SOMETHING IMPORTANT on the computer. Did any of you happen to hear my nerves SCREAMING at him on that particular day?? If you did, I Am SORRY that I gave any of you a start...just Another One of Those Dayz...

OK ~~ Now I don't know where I was originally, and Sara just came in with her gloppy ear and bad look. Tom said that if her ear isnt really good this afternoon, he'd take her to the vet this evening after he gets home...I've been dabbing some ointment on Sara's ear, just to ease the pain of the swelling for her. I have NO idea of what the $#^"&*^* happened to her ear. My friend sez that a tick may have gotten wayyy up inside of the dog's ear, and that's what's caused the swelling...I'm hoping it's not anything serious, I've been really upset about the whole thing. Tom is too indifferent about Anything, so poor Sara has had to hobble along with her floppy ickiee ear while Tom sez she doesn't really need to go to the vet. Sincemy car doesn't run, Ican't take her myself, and this stuiped trouble with my left eye doesn't make it any easier to see clearly enuf to drive...whatta great combination! So, Me & Sara wait for Tom to make his mind up, and HOPEFULLY he'll come to his senses and take me & Sara tonight to the vet...Please Think about me & my little "girl" !!

Lady of The Tulips -- listening to somebody once again over in the woods in front of our dirt road..doing Something Loud!! URRRRRGGGHHHH


turquoise cro said...

LOL My gal Gina had to go on some home visits and the first day she and her helper got attacked by mosquitoes at this one visit! They had to go back and visit the school nurse for ointment!!! I hate mosquitoes!! ICK! HOPING YOU and Sara make it to the vets this evening!!! love and prayers for your lil girl!

PennyBlue said...

Glad to be catching up with you. However Ms. Tulip...me thinks you need some bug spray! (: Happy Wednesday!

LadyTulip said...

Oh Bluejude!! and Miss Turquoise Cro -- guess WHAT??!!

I have 2 -- count them..TWO bottles of bug spray and waltzed right by those and waundered on out in the woodz...

Can I have my vacation NOW??!!
